I’ve just returned from the MINDD Conference in Sydney where I was invited to present lectures to both health professionals, and the general public, on the functions and importance of…
I’ve been meaning to critique this study for some months. With the bulk of my teaching done for the year (and my grading), I’ve finally found some time to have…
When preparing for my recent lecture at the 11th Herbal & Naturopathic International Conference – Using Herbal Medicines to Modify the Microbiota – I came across an interesting study that looked at…
Here are 4 and a bit reasons to pause the probiotic prescription pad. By Dawn Whitten BNat(Hons) IBCLC Researcher, Clinician and Lactation Consultant There certainly are a plethora of probiotic products marketed for infants…
Proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications are one of most frequently utilised classes of medicines. Primarily used to treat gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, use of these medications…